In the Brooder
I just got 10 chicks last week that are only 6 days old now! I'm not really sure what breeds they are. I know that the 2 with light chipmunk like stripes are easter eggers, the 2 black ones are Plymouth barred rocks, and the 2 yellow ones are buff orpingtons. I was wondering if anyone has any guesses for the other 2? If you do please let me know!! Thanks!
I just got 10 chicks last week that are only 6 days old now! I'm not really sure what breeds they are. I know that the 2 with light chipmunk like stripes are easter eggers, the 2 black ones are Plymouth barred rocks, and the 2 yellow ones are buff orpingtons. I was wondering if anyone has any guesses for the other 2? If you do please let me know!! Thanks!

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