What watt and how close do i put my heat lamp for my chicks


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 20, 2014
Hi there! Today is my firs day on BYC, and I have 4 chicks that i bought today and am deciding on what watt heatlamp to buy and how close to put it? Any ideas? Thanks!!!

PS. The chicks are 2 weeks old.
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At 2 weeks old, they will need heat under the heat lamp that is around 85 degrees, with enough room in their brooder for their food and water, and enough space that they can get away from the heat to an area that is 70 degrees or lower. Congrats on your chicks. You can learn a lot about any topic related to keeping chickens by doing a thread search in the "Search discussions..." bar at the top of this page. Just enter your subject, and you'll find plenty of discussion by people who have dealt with the issue you have a question about.

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