What/Why is my 13 week old Roo pecking my ankles?

None of my cockerels has gotten wise with me yet, but I go after them when I see them treating the pullets badly too. I am not putting up with that crap. Luckily, my daughter is enough like me that she doesn't put up with it either. I sometimes have to remind them not to turn their backs, but the kids know they can't let those birds get one up on them. I have one chicken prison right now because he is always going after the others, especially the pullets and I won't have it. If prison doesn't work, I will play Alice in Wonderland and I will be the Queen of Hearts "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"
My Wellsummer roosters challenge me all of the time. I have found that I have to grab them to make the back down. I have been spurred several times and have more than one gash on my calf and ankles to show for it. My hens are people friendly, but the roos are moderately aggressive.

I wife has had stop going near them when they free range unless she has closed toed shoes on. They go after her toenail polish when she is in sandals. They are very attracted to pink and red.
Thanks for the replies!

I have been really watching him, and he is definately trying to see what he can get away with! I've chased him off the girls while I'm out there, and he stands really tall and squaks at me! I'm going to see how he behaves and if he calms down we'll be good.
Its been my experience that when a rooster attacks he wants to be DINNER.
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I carry around a broom and keep it by my side when I am walking in the yard with my rooster. I don't ever hit him with it, but sometimes have to push him or nudge him out of my way with it. He knows to stay back when I have the broom. It's weird that he's not aggressive at all in the coop, just in MY yard when I let them out to free range!

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