What will decapitate a Roo!!

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not sure...... but you could use live bait in a small gaige were the owl could get into
if you Google owl they will say why they normally just eats the brains
BB I will look when I get home for talon punctures! I do know we have two big owls that live in the woods...If I see Talon punctures...they will not be living there long...or living at all!!! This Roo I raised with someone very important to me that is now in Iraq, so it had sentimental value!!! I must make sure it doesnt happen to my other two hens!
Oh Iam so sorry,

we too lost our pet the same way.
now Our loaded security system
is on all the time, in the corner
ready and willing to do what needs to be.
but we found it to be a coon.we also
have a few less possems.
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is there anyway I can trap a racoon? will they come for something other then my chickens? I am seriously..I want to get rid of whatever did this!
A coon are the meanest. We capture one and even the park ranger did not want us to bring it to the
park for release so we
ended up doing the deed.tossing lime
on it, into the ground it went.
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