What will I get?


10 Years
Jun 25, 2014
Hi everyone!

I love experimenting with my birds and I would like to know what kind of crosses I can expect from them.I have a ginger red EE rooster called Leon and his hens are EE's,Buff Orpingtons,Barred Rocks,and I have one RIR and one Black Star hens.I know that EE's are the wild card,but I still want your best guess as to what the offspring will look like(color genetic's wise),pictures are always welcome too!
Your barred Rock hen will give you sex link offspring. The Orp and red will give you mostly reddish/gold chicks, probably with some black depending on the male's coloring. The bsl hen will give you black chicks with red leakage. The Ee are impossible to say, but if they're brown based the chicks will probably look similar to the parents with respect to gender.

Depending on the roosters egg color genetics, your offspring pullets will lay green or brown eggs. Pea combed birds are more likely to lay blue/green, so that's something you can look for.
Your barred Rock hen will give you sex link offspring. The Orp and red will give you mostly reddish/gold chicks, probably with some black depending on the male's coloring. The bsl hen will give you black chicks with red leakage. The Ee are impossible to say, but if they're brown based the chicks will probably look similar to the parents with respect to gender.

Depending on the roosters egg color genetics, your offspring pullets will lay green or brown eggs. Pea combed birds are more likely to lay blue/green, so that's something you can look for.

Thanks for the reply!very helpful!you said the Barred Rock chicks will be sex-linked,what's the difference of male and female chicks then?
Your barred Rock hen will give you sex link offspring. The Orp and red will give you mostly reddish/gold chicks, probably with some black depending on the male's coloring. The bsl hen will give you black chicks with red leakage. The Ee are impossible to say, but if they're brown based the chicks will probably look similar to the parents with respect to gender.

Depending on the roosters egg color genetics, your offspring pullets will lay green or brown eggs. Pea combed birds are more likely to lay blue/green, so that's something you can look for.

X2 on donrae's explanations. Your Black Sex Links will likely be excellent layers, outlaying either parent breed. It's one of the interesting quirks of hybridization.

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