What would cause chick to foam at mouth & die?


9 Years
Jan 27, 2010
Hickory, NC
Info: 8-day old chick, found standing under light in brooder this morning looking very lethargic. Picked her up and she resisted at first. Butt had a slight amount of white crust, but it wasn't really pasty butt. Was foaming at the mouth w/ eyes milky white. I grabbed the scissors to put her out of her misery and I honestly believe she died in my hands before I could do the deed.

Brooder temp under light around 90 degrees, seems to be working fine for the other 40 chicks. Feeding non-medicated Dumor starter & grower. Plenty of fresh water. Pine shavings. All the other chicks seem healthy & full of life.

Any ideas on what this might be?
Any idea what might cause a lung problem? 12 hours later and everyone else still seems to be healthy. I realize sometimes chicks just die & there's nothing we can do about it. I just find it odd for an 8-day old to die suddenly. I'm keeping my eye out for the rest of the flock.

As far as cocci, I've seen no bloody stool and they haven't been exposed to anything outdoors. Only bagged shavings. Would it even be possible for them to contract this under these conditions?
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I don't think that's it as they've had nothing but fresh, dry food. But I appreciate that information. 24+ hours later and everyone seems to be doing ok when I checked while ago. Hopefully it was just a freak thing.

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