What would I get if...


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
Eastern, NC
If a female leghorn mates with a male red sex link, what would the chicks be? What would the females' egg color be? Would they be sex linked at all?

I have three eggs under my broody that will be a cross between a female leghorn (I think- the only white chicken/large white egg I can come up with) with a male red sex link. I'm just trying to figure out the cross.... I know the simple answer is a mutt, but I was wondering about the sex link gene and egg color.

I bought some fertile eggs to put under my broody. The majority of the eggs are red sex linked, but he threw in a few mutts. I never asked what his white birds were.

Thanks for any help!!
Barnyard layers. Very sought after!

You will not be able to sex your birds by color at all. The sex-links sold from hatcheries are already a hybrid of two different breeds. Even if you crossed a male and a female sex-link layer as purchased from the hatchery, their offspring would no longer be able to be sexed by color at birth. This type of sex-link only works for the first generation.

The egg color genes come from both parents. So if the mother lays white eggs and the father is from brow egg layer backround, the chicks will generally lay a color in between - likely a light tan color.
Accurate information!
Thanks. I went and did a little googling after I posted this and came across this info. How bummed am I?? I didn't get the eggs with the intentions of being able to have sex linked chicks, I was just looking for fertile eggs for my broody. No biggie. However, it is a little disappointing. Oh well. I don't think the old man who sold me the eggs knew this either, because he advertized them as red sex linked eggs. Maybe he was just saying his red sex linked layed them, idk. He was just the closest person listed selling fertile eggs.

Now that I know.... hmmmmm I do have a White Rock pullet. Of course not laying yet, but if I ever want to have red sex linked, I just have to get a hold of a RIR roo. Maybe one day...

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