what would this make?


7 Years
Nov 12, 2012
I have 3 golden buff hens with a star rooster (redish gold color) what would they make if I bred them?
Is Golden Buff a hybrid like an Amber-link or something? I'm not familiar with that variety. I don't believe you'd be able to sex the chicks at hatch if that's what you were hoping for. In terms of color, I'd imagine the resulting chicks would be sort of a reddish gold color. I'd say "go try the chicken calculator" to find out the color but if you're dealing with both parents being hybrids I'm not sure how accurate a result you'd get.
You would get basicily Buff offspring,


EWhEWh CoCo Dbdb+ pg+pg+ ml+ml+ Cha+Cha+ MhMh Didi+ Ig+Ig+ cb+cb+ Ii+ bl+bl+ Lav+Lav+ C+C+ Mo+Mo+ b+- s+- Choc+-
Gender = Female, Ratio = 1/4 = 25%, minimum of animals to breed: 4
buff unicolor?
Continue with this Female | Select for later crossings
EWhEWh CoCo Dbdb+ pg+pg+ ml+ml+ Cha+Cha+ MhMh Didi+ Ig+Ig+ cb+cb+ Ii+ bl+bl+ Lav+Lav+ C+C+ Mo+Mo+ b+b+ s+s+ Choc+Choc+
Gender = Male, Ratio = 1/4 = 25%, minimum of animals to breed: 4
buff unicolor?
Continue with this Male | Select for later crossings
EWhEWh CoCo Dbdb+ pg+pg+ ml+ml+ Cha+Cha+ MhMh Didi+ Ig+Ig+ cb+cb+ i+i+ bl+bl+ Lav+Lav+ C+C+ Mo+Mo+ b+- s+- Choc+-
Gender = Female, Ratio = 1/4 = 25%, minimum of animals to breed: 4
buff unicolor?
Continue with this Female | Select for later crossings
EWhEWh CoCo Dbdb+ pg+pg+ ml+ml+ Cha+Cha+ MhMh Didi+ Ig+Ig+ cb+cb+ i+i+ bl+bl+ Lav+Lav+ C+C+ Mo+Mo+ b+b+ s+s+ Choc+Choc+
Gender = Male, Ratio = 1/4 = 25%, minimum of animals to breed: 4
buff unicolor?
Continue with this Male | Select for later crossings

Chicken Calculator http://kippenjungle.nl/kruising.html

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