What would u do?? Craigslist Creeper....

I hope you know that you are now required to also check back in here when you get back home so us BYCers can be sure you're okay
I hope you know that you are now required to also check back in here when you get back home so us BYCers can be sure you're okay

This is why I have always been a little weird about Craigslist. You can't really trust anybody now a days, its sad. Im kind of glad to hear that he didn't show up! What if he had other motives already planned and especially since you didn't want to hook up. People ruin so many good things for us. My friend bought 2 dogs from Craigslist and she went to get 1 by herself, she said she felt okay because it was an older female on the phone. I chewed her butt off for that. You never know if she was a part of a scam to lore people into the house or what. The 2nd one she called me and asked me to ride down with her.
Seems strange. Is it possible this guy knows you or at least knows of you? It's completely possible it's random but to me it sounds a little fishy. I have a friend dealing with a psycho ex girlfriend, he downloaded some app that he can punch phone numbers into.. the phone will automatically block/disconnect any incoming calls/texts he programs in. But as others say, maybe keep all the creepy texts as evidence. Just be careful
I would report him.. and see if you can trace his number back to a name/address for the police..
It sounds like you may have posted your phone number on CL, I'm hoping I'm wrong there! Never post your personal information on CL - let them chat with you via email, if you get any warning signs stop communicating with them. I only give out my number once a time and date has been agreed to. And only if I feel comfortable in doing so.

Also, after we agree to a place and time, its set. If people try to change that, I tell them I'm unable to do that and insist on the original plans. Obviously, if we leave it tentative, that's not so much a problem. I've never had re-do plans work out - just lots of no shows. If the person is unable to meet the time and date they've committed to, I'm really not interested in doing business with them. In fact, I blacklist anyone who pulls a no show. I keep them in a special email folder labeled FLAKES and check it before working with anyone.

I learned that the hard way with ducklings. I had one jackass change our plans ten times, over the course of almost two months. I could have sold those ducks a dozen times in that period! What a huge waste of time and energy. And money! I had to feed those ducks for all that additional time. And it took a lot longer to sell them out of season, so I ended up with them for another few months while I desperately tried to sell them. Instead of selling fluffy little darlings, I was selling adolescents. Much different.
i didnt post my number, i posted my friends number cuz there her birds and she told me to, shes in school still and isnt capable of doing it herself. and the birds need to go cuz she cant afford to feed them anymore. id take them but i cant have roos. and well... she gave the guy my number...
and the only thing i put on my own adds is my email. thats it.
i went to the police station and they said theres really nothing they can do. and didnt take a report. and said if feel in a few days i still need to report him then i need to go to a differnt station 30 min from where im at.
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