What would u do?? Craigslist Creeper....

I hate to sound like a Dad, cuz I am one but WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING?!!!

1. You NEVER put your phone number in a CL ad. NEVER.

2. When he starts asking personal questions why didn't you HANG UP?

3. When he asked to switch meeting places why did you agree to?

4. Why did you call him back? When he started asking you personal questions didn't that send off a signal?

5. Have you not been reading the paper about the two guys who put in a phoney ad for a farm worker and then killed them?!!!!

Finally if you have this guys phone number you go to the police and speak with them. Also if Stephanie is your real name then you should not be using it here or anywhere on the internet and you never ever mention your age.

As for your parents? They should have told you to call the police and that you should change your phone number now!!!! Then rented a truck and moved you back home. Clearly you are not mature enough to be on your own.

I have daughters and Lord have mercy if they did this, 19 or not they'd be grounded for life.

Also if there are any other young people here, get a clue for heaven sake will you?

For those who think I'm out of line, take it somewhere else!!!!! We had a young girl here who met a guy on CL and he not only murdered her, he burned the house down.

New York Dad
I hate to sound like a Dad, cuz I am one but WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING?!!!

1. You NEVER put your phone number in a CL ad. NEVER.

2. When he starts asking personal questions why didn't you HANG UP?

3. When he asked to switch meeting places why did you agree to?

4. Why did you call him back? When he started asking you personal questions didn't that send off a signal?

5. Have you not been reading the paper about the two guys who put in a phoney ad for a farm worker and then killed them?!!!!

Finally if you have this guys phone number you go to the police and speak with them. Also if Stephanie is your real name then you should not be using it here or anywhere on the internet and you never ever mention your age.

As for your parents? They should have told you to call the police and that you should change your phone number now!!!! Then rented a truck and moved you back home. Clearly you are not mature enough to be on your own.

I have daughters and Lord have mercy if they did this, 19 or not they'd be grounded for life.

Also if there are any other young people here, get a clue for heaven sake will you?

For those who think I'm out of line, take it somewhere else!!!!! We had a young girl here who met a guy on CL and he not only murdered her, he burned the house down.

New York Dad

ok well i did what i needed to do. i did all the right things. i wasnt alone! and i took cation. and no one was hurt. he doesnt know my name or age. or where i live. sooo everythings ok. and i dont live on my own. i live with my older sister who was at work. and hes blocked off my phone now anyway
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No that's another story and the girl thing was last year. However we did have a girl murdered in her house by her ex boyfriend.

I know we all think we can handle ourselves and all that but not when faced with a gun. No one can take care of themselves. We need each other.

Stephanie1992 no you didn't do everything right. In fact you just gave away that you live with your 21 year old sister to a bunch of strangers. Not even here should you divulge such information.

One thing they don't tell you when you become a Dad? Is your always a Dad forever and ever. No matter how old your kids get your heart just can't stop being concerned.

I wish every one safety,

Hey rancherhick- I realize as a dad you are wondering how this happened, but actually she was pretty smart for a 19yr old on the internet. She didn't post her #, her friend gave it to the guy. She didn't show up alone, she brought a male friend. I'm assuming she probably wouldn't have changed locations if she hadn't had the roos on craigslist for months and had the pressure of selling stuff for a friend. For someone with 19 yrs experience she was pretty wary. Some of us older people may have been sucked in by the guy too- the fact the guy that answered her ad happened to be a creep is not her fault! She didn't do anything wrong- this could happen to anyone and has.

Now that doesn't mean she can't be more careful, but no need to get upset at her.

BTW, you are probably an excellent dad
you sound a lot like mine
I'm sorry to hear that you've got a creeper.

I can possibly help you out on your friend's rooster situation though. I'm setting a friend of mine up with a small mixed breed flock, but he didn't tell me he wanted chickens until the day after I processed my extra roosters. He'll need a rooster, and the one you gave me is too young yet and I'd rather not let go of my purebred Delaware. How old are these ones, and what breed? I could send one of them with my pullets. You know what I do with the extras, so if your friend is OK with that, I can take those too if she wants. I'll bring a crate this time though!
No that's another story and the girl thing was last year. However we did have a girl murdered in her house by her ex boyfriend.

Stephanie1992 no you didn't do everything right. In fact you just gave away that you live with your 21 year old sister to a bunch of strangers.

How did you know her Sis is 21 Years old. ?!!
J's Orpingtons :

No that's another story and the girl thing was last year. However we did have a girl murdered in her house by her ex boyfriend.

Stephanie1992 no you didn't do everything right. In fact you just gave away that you live with your 21 year old sister to a bunch of strangers.

How did you know her Sis is 21 Years old. ?!!​

i wrote it down but i changed it.
I hate to sound like a Dad, cuz I am one but WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING?!!!

1. You NEVER put your phone number in a CL ad. NEVER.

2. When he starts asking personal questions why didn't you HANG UP?

3. When he asked to switch meeting places why did you agree to?

4. Why did you call him back? When he started asking you personal questions didn't that send off a signal?

5. Have you not been reading the paper about the two guys who put in a phoney ad for a farm worker and then killed them?!!!!

Finally if you have this guys phone number you go to the police and speak with them. Also if Stephanie is your real name then you should not be using it here or anywhere on the internet and you never ever mention your age.

As for your parents? They should have told you to call the police and that you should change your phone number now!!!! Then rented a truck and moved you back home. Clearly you are not mature enough to be on your own.

I have daughters and Lord have mercy if they did this, 19 or not they'd be grounded for life.

Also if there are any other young people here, get a clue for heaven sake will you?

For those who think I'm out of line, take it somewhere else!!!!! We had a young girl here who met a guy on CL and he not only murdered her, he burned the house down.

New York Dad

For all my craigslist ads I put down my phone number and name so
and have never had a problem or any of that
I think she did most all the right things, and came out smarter for it.

We had a top manager here at work (in CA) that was caught trying to get young girls in bad situations on line, a true creeper... you know they have to get lucky once in a while for them to become good at it like this ring of guys were. Creeps me totally out when I heard about the nature of his terminatin, I sat and had lunch with him a few times...
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