What would you do? complaining neighbor

Leah S

8 Years
Jun 13, 2011
Got a visit from the local health department today. He said that a neighbor has been complaining about my chickens. Saying they are noisy and smelly. The officer then walked around my yard and told me smelled nothing and only heard them when he walked up to their fenced in run. He then handed me some paper work wished me a good day and left.
Now, before I got chickens I asked all my abutting neighbors if they minded and to come to me if they ever had any problems (feel like I have a good to neutral relationship with all my neighbors). I contacted several town offices and there was no permit required for owning poultry. After reading the papers that he gave me I saw that there was a permit application, which I am filling out and sending out tomorrow morning. The town also no longer allows poultry to free range, even if they stay on my properly, which I think is crazy. But what to do about my neighbor? I feel that I keep the coop and run clean. Out there every day cleaning, scraping laying down bedding fresh water and food. I put lyme on the compost when I dump dirty bedding. I smell nothing, and hear nothing that is louder then the other neighbor's dog. Would you ignore it? I am going to be in complete compliance with the town, but don't want to be a bad neighbor.
thanks for your time reading this!
Lea S
Got a visit from the local health department today. He said that a neighbor has been complaining about my chickens. Saying they are noisy and smelly. The officer then walked around my yard and told me smelled nothing and only heard them when he walked up to their fenced in run. He then handed me some paper work wished me a good day and left.
Now, before I got chickens I asked all my abutting neighbors if they minded and to come to me if they ever had any problems (feel like I have a good to neutral relationship with all my neighbors). I contacted several town offices and there was no permit required for owning poultry. After reading the papers that he gave me I saw that there was a permit application, which I am filling out and sending out tomorrow morning. The town also no longer allows poultry to free range, even if they stay on my properly, which I think is crazy. But what to do about my neighbor? I feel that I keep the coop and run clean. Out there every day cleaning, scraping laying down bedding fresh water and food. I put lyme on the compost when I dump dirty bedding. I smell nothing, and hear nothing that is louder then the other neighbor's dog. Would you ignore it? I am going to be in complete compliance with the town, but don't want to be a bad neighbor.
thanks for your time reading this!
Lea S

I would ignore it. I mean if you are in compliance with the town then i wouldnt worry about it. Its your property. Also like you stated chickens are no louder than barking dogs ( in my opinion ). Let us know how it goes. I am interested to see if they complain anymore. And the best of luck to you!!
I started off with a dozen laying hens. I don't have the free range restriction you do...so mine are out all the time. I got 12 acres, so they go pretty much where they want, but never leave my property.

Like you, I checked with the neighbors, and they were on board with the whole chicken thing.

Fast forward 6 months. I get a visit from the local animal control officer. Apparently my chickens were bothering my neighbor when he was in his garden. (they made to much noise and he said they stink) Control officer did his walk around and made sure everything was up to snuff. Tipped his hat and wished me a good day. But before he left, I asked him what I should do about neighbor.

He said...and I quote...

"Your not in any kind of violation. I have chickens of my own, and they don't live as well as yours do. Your neighbor just likes to complain about anything. Last month he was at the town office complaining about seagulls. Get yourself a rooster. Your girls need some protection."

Haven't seen or heard from the animal control officer again. But I do hear from the neighbor about my rooster now :D

Now I don't recommend you going down that road. Pissing off the neighbor usually isn't the way to go.
haha! we actually had two Roos, but they drove me crazy and ended making some lovely meals. I will admit that they did free range, getting into other people's yards. I have given away so many eggs and grass seed! They no longer go outside their fenced in area as of today to make the town happy.
It bothers me that when I talk to the neighbor all is fine and great, but then they complain to the town about my girls.
If they had a problem with it then they should have said something to you when you asked orginally! The only thing that I have to worry about is fox, bobcats, and hawks :( But i do keep them in a fence because there are so many "stray" dogs running around here.
thats just the nature of some people.

That very same neighbor of mine also complained about my loud dogs. I have shih tzus. They don't go outside...ever.

Some People!

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