What would you do with a lone chicken this winter?

Get her a roo and pen them together. Maybe she will go broody and want a little family.
I think she would make some nice chicken and dumplings if she didn't stop eating eggs!
I have a long talk with her!
Bring her in...that's what I had to do with a similar situation last winter. You already have accommodations (which is better than I had last winter and still brought one in). You can work on new relationships in the spring. Good luck!
Sevierville Tn. here
and the evenings are getting cold.
If your sure this is the egg eater..
get the soup pot ready.
we would not keep an egg eater.
Eat her, then tell the neighbors she disappeared.

She does sound like she's got issues.
I certainly wouldn't give her a Roo and let her hatch out babies... What if she passes those traits down to a new generation of pullets? Egg eating could be a psychological issue that could be genetic, I dunno... I got OCD and Anxiety Disorder from my Dad
Then you have a whole tractor of egg eaters doing nothing but eating your grain.
It's tough to do but I would bite the bullet and do it OR you need to tell the neighbors the truth and that you can't keep her anymore because of X and X reason and that you're re-homing her. Keeping in mind that if you do rehome her to someone you're technically passing on your problem.

It's a tough one. Good luck.

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