Whatcha Making for Supper?

What is chicken paprikas Sour?

It's one of my MIL's Hungarian recipes. Chicken pan seared with onions, then sour cream and paprika added and simmered for hours. When it is bone falling off tender, thicken with a sour cream Wondra flour mixture. Served with dumplings: 2 cups of flour, added to 1 cup milk - beat and stir in one egg, 2 tbsp melted butter and 1 tsp salt. Drop dumplings into boiling water and cook another 5 minutes after they rise to the surface. Dumplings are 'heavy' but oh so good. This is a meal that gets better with every reheating. Favorite menu I got from my MIL. I also make a beef paprikas with a slightly different dumpling. :drool
Well I dont use a recipe for anything really. Brown some ground beef, chunk up some bell peppers, add some diced tomatoes, rice, and what ever seasoning you use for stuff peppers. Add some beef or chicken broth and thats a basic stuff pepper soup. I grew up cooking with what ever was handy. So I never follow recipe. Except for baking things.
That’s enough of a recipe for me thanks!
It's one of my MIL's Hungarian recipes. Chicken pan seared with onions, then sour cream and paprika added and simmered for hours. When it is bone falling off tender, thicken with a sour cream Wondra flour mixture. Served with dumplings: 2 cups of flour, added to 1 cup milk - beat and stir in one egg, 2 tbsp melted butter and 1 tsp salt. Drop dumplings into boiling water and cook another 5 minutes after they rise to the surface. Dumplings are 'heavy' but oh so good. This is a meal that gets better with every reheating. Favorite menu I got from my MIL. I also make a beef paprikas with a slightly different dumpling. :drool

That sounds so good! Thanks for the explanation.
Tonight's supper is in the works!

The roast is roasting, carrots are peeled and cut, and potatoes are peeled and cut.

A store run is in the plan shortly. Hubs wants ice cream with the apple crumble, we are out of milk and Safeway has London broil for $3 a pound. At that price beef jerky has been requested.

The house smells AMAZING!
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