Whatchagot Super Swap - Thursday, June 26 ***CLOSED***

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if u don't know if they r fertile, u shouldn't list them. have u checked the eggs for bullseyes?

so if we end the swap what does that do for the last offer and angels?
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chick, what's ur side offers,lol?
well they haven't had time to even sit under a broody i had to scoop them up asap, cause of the dogs, maybe i should let them sit for a day and see what pops up
LOL Not much, but.....

Here's what I have:

starts from Christmas cactus (I have 3, I know one is peach, not sure on the other two)
start from aloe vera
start from snake plant

4 windchimes (that you might be able to see if you click on my name and then on personal page, the plants are there too, quick pics)

I can also offer 6+ eggs from my mixed chickens. I have a buff orpington roo and a mixed roo with black sex link, americauna, RIR, & buff orp hens.

I have one package (150 sheets) wide ruled Hello Kitty paper (pink).

Self Matters by Dr. Phil
The Creative Crock-Pot Slow Cooker Cookbook by Rival
Campbell’s Fabulous One-Dish Recipes

I can also get starts from yellow/orange stella d'oro (daylily), maybe some purple iris bulbs, starts from white, purple, and pink azaleas (limbs that will root when put in water), wandering jew start, groups of birdsfoot trefoil.....I'm sure I could think of more if it wasn't so late/early
u don't have to hatch them to know if they r fertile. u crack them open and look for a little white spot on the yolk that has round cirles like a bullseye pattern. if they do they r fertile if not there they r not.
Not necessarily. I just posted to see if you guys might be interested in a side trade since it's so late. As for stuffed animals, got too many and asthmatic kids, plants have to be nasty to deer around here or they will be gone as soon as they poke out of the ground, don't have an lp or 45 player and haven't seen one in years..... sorry
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