Whatchagot Super Swap - Thursday, June 26 ***CLOSED***

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Yeah, after I posted I visited your other link and figured that out about the BC marans
. I'd love to have some, I'm on waiting lists now, just hope I can afford them when it's my turn.....

Yeah, I'd love to have another silkie line but I understand about the strike. Maybe you can let me know when they are back on track....?

Lilies and daffs are fine with me and if you want to throw something else in, the more the merrier
My kids broke branches for flowers for me and they had sprouted in my cup of water on my sink in about a week. I didn't know they would do that, but I have some as proof
. Other than that, I don't know a whole lot about them. They're pretty and the deer don't usually eat them
i was lucky and got on a short waiting list. i didn't have the money but i've wanted them for so long. i got 15 eggs and only 4 babies made it most were scrambled by ups shipping.
i'm just happy any made it. i will let u know when the girls r back to laying again. i finally broke them of broody then they wouldn't lay, now they have feathers everywhere,lol and still not laying.

did u want to do a bigger trade of some sort?

angel they will root and eventually they will be real pretty bushes i have pink ones.
yeah, out of 30 eggs I got 25 days ago, only 8 have made it, most of the others were scrambled
. And those 8 have yet to hatch

Bigger trade? If you are interested. Do I have more that you might want?
I have tons of windchimes, I just have a lot of them stored. Do you like the others I had? Just one thing, before going to bed, the kids asked me to keep one of them but I can't remember which. I'll have to ask and then you are welcome to the rest. I'll even dig my others out and take pics of them if you want but it might be the weekend before I can do that. We are supposed to go out to eat tomorrow night.....or tonight with some friends that set me and dh up years ago

I too collect windchimes but when you can't talk outside for them or can't see out the kitchen window for them, it's time to give some of them up
i should have white sultains hatching soon from one of the other swaps i'm so excited. i think it was 6 out of 8 eggs doing good. i got alot of guinea eggs in too for my gram and got polish not sure what else in the sportsman. i should have a good variety of pure eggs next spring to offer.
lol, we'll wait till mon to figure out a trade i will be busy most of the weekend. that will give me time to see what all plants i can do or what not. i have to empty my pm box again and got lots of stuff to ship out. so that will give us both some time.
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