What's a quality small incubator for my first Emu hatch?


Sep 16, 2019
I am getting my equipment together to attempt my first Emu hatch in November. I am only going to be incubating two eggs, and don't mind spending extra for to improve my chances for success. What model/brand of incubator should I be looking at? I am a skilled fabricator, so I'm not above building my own with one of the kits if that is best. I've seen the kits from Incubatorwarehouse. Which seem pretty simple. I want accurate temps without hot/cold spots.

THank you!
Good luck with your hatch! Emus are so cool. Right now it is breeding season here and a 100+ pound hissing bird can be a little intimidating haha!
Okay, so thanks for the great suggestions - I'm going to go with the Hova-Bator 1588. The folks at IncubatorWarehouse.com were very helpful.

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