What's in everyones brooders?

Under a silkie I have:
2 silver laced Wyandotes
1 Black Australorp
2 Polish
1 Rouen duckling
1 Black silkie
1barn yard mix

In the house I have 10 rouen ducklings and 1 surprise Pekin duckling...still have 6 more eggs in the bator
they will hatch

Am getting 3-4 dozen standard Cochins to put in the bator later this week...and just ordered 12+ pheasant eggs from bluegoose last night.

For the 1st time in 3 months... NOTHING!!!!

All my kids are out in the coop. Will wait until next spring to dust off the brooder, unless I can find a polish peep from my better half.
In one brooder I have thirty Midget White turkey poults that are now about ten days old.

In the other brooder I have about a dozen or so Midget White turkey poults now going on five weeks old.

By this weekend I should have some Standard Bronze poults as well.
Five Buff Orpingtons purchased last Friday on impulse as I was checking out prices on feed, waterers, etc. for the
coop I am finishing up. I did not plan to buy chicks. I had wanted older hens, but what the hay...
I had also wanted Dominique hens like my grandmother raised in the 1890's, but.....
I finished up the coop portion of my major construction project while they peeped and pecked away the hours in
their cardboard whiskey case transport system. They are now in the coop.

Their names are: Louisa, May, Alcott, Henrietta and Eggnis.

My wife taught English for 27 years.
I have 4 one week old RIRs in the brooder right now. I must have jinxed myself with my screen name as one of them died a couple days ago.
I have:
5 Golden Laced Polish
6 White Silkies
6 bantam Buff Orpingtons
1 Partridge Rock
1 New Hampshire

Then... in another "brooder" (aka... the bathtub)
2 baby call ducks

That is it for this year.
Next year... hopefully Barred Rocks and maybe some buff or silver laced Polish... I ADORE Polish personalities

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