What's in stock at your TSC Chick Days?

We've been eagerly anticipating 'Chick days' at the local Tractor Supply to get some more girls to help the 4 pullets taking the brunt of Mr. Cockerel. He's really good with them, but still 4 hens need relief. When we purchased the first batch of 6, they were supposed to be sexed pullets. Anyway. I called and they have chicks now.

Imagine my disappointment when I went over and they had 3 Plymouth whites and that was it. They had 2 tubs of ducks, but we're not looking for ducks. I know nothing about chicken sexing so am leary of taking the last 3 straight run chicks because I'm sure someone is much better at sexing than me and they're most likely all 3 cockerels.

So for anyone who has been to TSC and seen what they have, feel free to post.

FWIW, I'd prefer Easter eggers like we already have or something less white since they free range.
Mine has Starlight Green Eggers for 4.99.
Did you resist or cave & get some? 😂
Um...I may have come home with 80+. I went in on Sunday to get 10 chicks and they said if I took all of their stock, I could have them for .50 each! When I got home we discovered he threw in 3 extra. So yeah, 83 chicks. 😆 Thankfully I've already sold 55 and have two more people who want some. I'm going to be strong and still only keep the 10 I originally wanted...maybe. 😬
Um...I may have come home with 80+. I went in on Sunday to get 10 chicks and they said if I took all of their stock, I could have them for .50 each! When I got home we discovered he threw in 3 extra. So yeah, 83 chicks. 😆 Thankfully I've already sold 55 and have two more people who want some. I'm going to be strong and still only keep the 10 I originally wanted...maybe. 😬

JUST WOW! I mean, I have acres, and bigger facilities than most, but I don't have facilities for 80, even temporarily, and not in addition to my existing flock. My "grow out" pen is about 44 sq ft, I suppose that would do for the first week or three?

GOOD LUCK re-homing!
If you talk to a Tsc employee they will tell you they dont know when chicks are coming, what types, or how many. They may know what hatchery their birds come from though.
I know. That's why I don't get any chicks from TSC. We have an AG1 Co-op that we bought our chicks' from although I believe we are just going to breed our own barnyard mix this year, since we have a couple of roosters who work hard to keep all the eggs fertile.
Um...I may have come home with 80+. I went in on Sunday to get 10 chicks and they said if I took all of their stock, I could have them for .50 each! When I got home we discovered he threw in 3 extra. So yeah, 83 chicks. 😆 Thankfully I've already sold 55 and have two more people who want some. I'm going to be strong and still only keep the 10 I originally wanted...maybe. 😬
I gotta see some pics of a few you have left. Someday, I strive to be like you! 😂
I gotta see some pics of a few you have left. Someday, I strive to be like you! 😂
They are adorable little things!
JUST WOW! I mean, I have acres, and bigger facilities than most, but I don't have facilities for 80, even temporarily, and not in addition to my existing flock. My "grow out" pen is about 44 sq ft, I suppose that would do for the first week or three?

GOOD LUCK re-homing!
Thanks! It was definitely a risk but I was confident I could resell them. 55 are already in new homes and the rest will be picked up tomorrow and Friday, minus my own 10. At $2 each, it's a great deal for both me and the buyer!

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