What's in stock at your TSC Chick Days?

Way more breeds at a time than last year.

Gold laced 'dottes, silver laced 'dottes, rhode island reds, isa browns, another red sexlink but I forgot which exactly -amberlink maybe, easter eggers, cornish rocks, leghorns, australorps, and assorted ducks (looked like peking and khaki campbell). I'm pretty sure I missed a breed or two of chickens. Oh, yeah, light brahma... I still think there is at least one or two more but I'm not going back in to look. Some breeds are in two tanks - one for pullets and one for straight run.

I managed to leave without getting any. This time. Partly because it is too early in the year, partly because I expect to be away all day next Tuesday, partly to get my other babies started (lettuce, radishes, onions, peppers, tomatoes, marigolds, four o'clocks, apples, and osage oranges.) :)
Pretty boring and not much variety. But there were ducklings ❤️
Ours never has ducklings :hit

I’m curious what ours has though. I haven’t been since they were first setting it up before chicks lol

I know our local Agway should be getting chicks in soon. I really like them. BUT! They switched from Murray McMurray to freaking HOOVERS this year :hit 😭🤢

Here’s their list though


This one has the prices but it’s somewhat harder to read. Prices went up this year too.


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