What's in stock at your TSC Chick Days?

I went to TSC for some t-posts today and couldn't resist checking out the chick bins. I have B/B/S Ameraucana and black copper maran eggs in the incubator that should be hatching in about 10 days :fl so I REALLY don't need any more chicks, but I'd love to add a couple welsummers to the mix. Fortunately (or unfortunately) all TSC had were ISA browns, golden comets, black sexlinks, and a few australorps, nothing that tempted me too much. Maybe I'll check back once more right before my eggs hatch...who would know if I slipped a few more chicks into the brooder, lol.
I’m afraid to go look…I know I won’t leave empty-handed, & I am NOT ready for chicks yet! Would like the 10-day forecast to stay above 40 for a little while…lol.
I don’t have a TSC anywhere near me closest one is about an hour. I go to IFA we have a Cals Ranch but they do not keep their chicks in a healthy way. Often many are sick and dieing 😭 IFA on the other hand is great and no min is required of any of the birds. They are well kept and the employees seem to truly care about their welfare.
I don’t have a TSC anywhere near me closest one is about an hour. I go to IFA we have a Cals Ranch but they do not keep their chicks in a healthy healthy way. Often many are sick and dieing 🥲 IFA on the other hand is great and no min is required of any of the birds. They are well kept and the employees seem to truly care about their welfare there
The IFA single chick option is going to be the death of me…
The IFA single chick option is going to be the death of me…
The only bad thing is almost every breed is a straight run. What’s worse is I actually prefer roosters just because of their beauty🤣 not sure what I’m going to do if out of the 9 babies I have now if several are roosters.
The only bad thing is almost every breed is a straight run. What’s worse is I actually prefer roosters just because of their beauty🤣 not sure what I’m going to do if out of the 9 babies I have now if several are roosters.
That’s frustrating! Ours are supposedly supposed to be all pullets, but I’m at at least 2 roos now. My luck getting Welsummers there has been awful too 😩 But I can’t stop lol
I came home with 28 chicks :D. Rhode Island Red, Light Brahma, Barred rock, White leghorn, Blue something (I forgot LOL,) Black Sex Link, ISA Brown, Gold Lace Wyandot (Spelling)? I think one other. They also had Khaki Campbell and Swedish ducks and Broad Breasted Turkeys. I was going to do a hatchery order but had a moment of weakness and it was less expensive to get from TSC. I was already set up for chicks so it worked out fine.

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