What's in the moat?

That's not true. They like me at McDonalds. On the other hand, my traveling partner, the Circus Man, and his cronies actually got thrown out of McDonalds. If you knew him, you would understand how that might happen.
I'll bet the Jehovah's Witnesses don't come back - hmmm, you might be onto something.
Hmmm, they have stopped coming. I think that they just gave up on me. When they were 'trying' we had some great conversations. One elderly lady in particular was great fun to banter with - she had that rare ability to read my brain and 'get' the unsaid thoughts. Interesting. They never would imbibe in the beer that I offered. That's a trick I learned from my Dad. Whenever the minister of our church would visit, Dad offered him a beer. No takers there either.
When never get visitors here...I don't understand why.

You might ask Terry about this . . . .

Hmmm, they have stopped coming. I think that they just gave up on me. When they were 'trying' we had some great conversations. One elderly lady in particular was great fun to banter with - she had that rare ability to read my brain and 'get' the unsaid thoughts. Interesting. They never would imbibe in the beer that I offered. That's a trick I learned from my Dad. Whenever the minister of our church would visit, Dad offered him a beer. No takers there either.
Of course not. When making calls, it doesn't make a good impression to show up with beer on the breath.

It's funny - we don't get many visitors, either, but the day after this was posted, a couple of JW's turned up in the driveway.

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