Whats in YOUR bator????? UPDATE, Pics Pg 12


16 Years
Jan 22, 2008
Ft. Myers, FL
I just set 7 duck eggs that someone gave to my MIL. I have no idea what kind they are but the eggs are a real pretty shade of green.

I have never had ducks before so I was a little hesitant, but after looking up some info and looking at all the cute duckling pics you guys have posted, I decided to go ahead and give it a try. Now I am very excited about them

So what's in your bators??????????????????
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Started last night...
9 Blue Rock/Barred Rock eggs
3 Blue Rock/EE eggs
2 EE eggs (from my girls!)
16 Silkie and Frizzle eggs to be added tomorrow!
I have a bit of everything right now....Americaunas, silkies, banty white rocks, mixed, mille fleurs, polish, RIR, Serama, Welsummers, and one Cream Brabanter egg.

I also have button quail and incubating some Indian Runner duck eggs for my aunt.
Day 16:
Red Cochin Eggs from Ebay
Standard Favorelle (from Bantyman)
Mille Fleur Bantam Cochin (Bantyman)
Bantam Favorelle (Bantyman)

Day 7:
Orps & Barred Rocks (Speckledhen)

Day 5:
BBR Phoenix (Mine)
We just set 18 ameraucana eggs from Cree Farms yesterday morning. This is our first try at hatching our own chicks. We picked them up in person on Friday, so we are hoping we will have a good hatch. ( We also picked up 5 started Japanese banties on Friday from Auburn. They are so cute and seem to be adjusting well to our coop, though our other chickens are a little upset with us.)

I am so excited!!!
Darn tootin'!

<sneaks in and steals MPs BBS Orpingtons...>
...and adds them to the Bobwhites, Coturnix, Mille Fleur d'Uccles, Light Brahmas and soon to add EEs from ParkerVA.
Then I'm done... I SWEAR!!! *shaking head* I really shouldn't be hatching this late in the year, someone please help me..........

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