What's my hatch statistics?


Dec 31, 2021
Set 30 eggs:
15 Polish
11 mix
4 Showgirl

2 duds and 2 early quitters removed at day 7-10 (all polish)

11 polish
10 mix
2 showgirl

1 mix and 2 showgirl didn't hatch, no eggtopsy done but they seemed to be fully formed or close to when candled.

How would one calculate fertilization and hatch rate? 🙂
You have 30 potentials. 2 weren't fertile, meaning 28 were. 28/30 = 93.3% Fertility. Very good.

Now, it gets debatable. Some people calculate their hatch rate based only on fertile eggs. You hatched 23/28 = 82.1% Again, quite good. (Most, *I think*, calculate this way)

My only interest is how many hatch of set, for whatever reason (I don't care about fertility UNLESS its the reason for low hatch rate). So I would calculate your hatch rate at 23/30 = 76.6%. Still well w/i the acceptable.
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You have 30 potentials. 2 weren't fertile, meaning 28 were. 28/30 = 93.3% Fertility. Very good.

Now, it gets debatable. Some people calculate their hatch rate base donly on fertile eggs. You hatched 23/28 = 82.1% Again, quite good. (Most, *I think*, calulate this way)

My only interest is how many hatch of set, for whatever reason (I don't care about fertility UNLESS its the reason for low hatch rate). So I would calculate your hatch rate at 23/30 = 76.6%. Still well w/i the acceptable.
Thank you! 😊
and for comparison, I set 12. One infertile. One early quit. The other 10??? We'll know in about 2-3 days. 91.6% Fertility (I have too many roos, low fertility is never a problem), and hoping for an 83.3% hatch rate (75% is my norm).
You should start a "I'll math for you" thread. It could be very active.
I have a couple questions if you want to give it a go.
that's my fear. It could be VERY active, and I'm time limited.
Do mine before the rush hits.
What's my average post count per day since joining?
Continuing at that rate what date would I reach 30,000 posts?
Do mine before the rush hits.
What's my average post count per day since joining?
Continuing at that rate what date would I reach 30,000 posts?
of course. That's easy math.

Today is Mar 12, 2023. You joined, Nov 17, 2016. There are 2,306 days between those dates. You've made 17,915 posts. 17,915 / 2,306 = 7.76886 posts per day, on average.
30,000 posts - 17,915 already made = 12,085 posts to go. At 7.76886 posts per day, that's another 1,555.57 days away. Today plus 1,556 days is June 15, 2027.
How would one calculate fertilization and hatch rate? 🙂
In the commercial hatcheries they typically have two separate operations. One group provides hatching eggs. The second group hatches them. Each group is interested in different things.

Fertility is not the only reason eggs are unhatchable though it is a big reason. Sometimes the hens don't lay a good egg or something about the way the eggs are handled makes them unhatchable. Their performance is based on them providing hatchable eggs.

The people that hatch the eggs don't care about that. Their interest is only in hatching the hatchable eggs. So they are measuring different things. One group is measuring hjatchability, the other hatch rate of the hatchable eggs.

A poultry science professor that acts as a consultant to commercial operators and actually opens some of the unhatched eggs (or teaches other to) to determine what went wrong said each group is typically responsible for 5% of the unhatched eggs. They typically get about an overall 90% hatch rate. He also said that if the egg starts to develop but stops in the first week of incubation it is often due to something that happened before the egg was incubated. If it dies in the last week it is generally to do with the incubation. I'm not sure that applies to us since we don't all manage our incubators as rigidly as the commercial operations do.

I'm different. I both provide the hatching eggs and hatch them. To me my hatch rate is eggs in and chicks out. But I don't set really dirty eggs, fart eggs, cracked eggs, soft shelled eggs, or double yolked eggs.

Set 30 eggs:
15 Polish
11 mix
4 Showgirl

2 duds and 2 early quitters removed at day 7-10 (all polish)

11 polish
10 mix
2 showgirl

I don't know why those two early quitters quit so I'll make the assumption they were unhatchable to start with. So that would mean your hatchability rate is 26 out of 30 so 87%. Your hatch rate of hatchable eggs would be 23 out of 26 so 88%. But the way I calculate mine it is 23 chicks out of 30 eggs in so 77% which is pretty close to my average.

When someone on here mentions they get a really good hatch rate, read it with a grain of salt. You never know what they are actually measuring. I remember someone on here measured hatch rate to be the eggs that hatched compared to the eggs that were alive at candling to go into lockdown. They had a very high hatch rate.

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