What's normal for a Peachick?


In the Brooder
Jul 27, 2017
My baby peachick seems to sleep a lot . It's friend sadly passed away a day ago and since I couldn't get any more peachicks , I substituted with 3 baby ducks . The ducks are 4 days and the peachick is around a week . They have a light on them , medicated chick feed , fresh water , and are in pine shavings . I was just wondering if it's normal for peachicks to sleep a lot or if maybe the friend change was a lot to take in at once ? The ducks are very playful, so maybe it's just tired from interacting with them ? It's eating and drinking normal.
I don't have one of it , but I saw it poop today and it looked a little tiny bit runny but other than that it was normal. No blood or anything.

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