What's on your wish list for spring 2012?

Wait....there are BANTAM DORKINGS? Now I'm going to have to modify my list!
Black copper marans and ameraucanas. 2 of each. ok maybe 3 of each.

I am so excited for spring I can hardly wait. I had a dream about baby chicks last night.
Great thread!

Wish list? Kept growing as I read everyone else's...

New coop... Or two or three - it IS a wish list, right?

I want to add some Marans, Buff Orphintons, silver laced Wyndcottes and Light Brahmas (but am going to have to narrow it down to just two breeds to add). I'll also be breeding our Barred Hollands. Would love to plant bedding and feed next year as well.
I'm with Desirae! (sorry if I misspelled that!) We're designing and building a coop so we can buy chicks in May. I'm so excited my husband thinks I'm a nutjob, but he's very tolerant. My feed store carries all the fairly standard breeds all spring/summer long (buff orps, australorps, Easter eggers, barred rocks, RIR's) and 3 or 4 other breeds come and go weekly. Last summer they had speckled sussex, Iowa blues, light and dark brahmas, silkies, silver and gold laced wyandottes, and some others which elude my poor brain. My baby birder's wish list is:

1 buff orp
1 barred rock
1 easter egger
2 (or something like that. I get the "chicken math" thing already) of something more unusual. I like the brahmas and wyandottes, but the silkies are just adorable.

Not exotic, but very exciting to me! I'd better not take my 4 year old DD with me, though, as she LOVES chicks, and would want them all. Or just take her with me, and tell the hubby to expand the coop plans!
Healthy chicks

I am sure chick fever will strike and all my hens will go broody in Spring... They are already going through their fall round of broodiness.
Already got started on my spring wishlist!

Hoping my brand new pair of Yellow Golden pheasants lay this spring and hopefully I'll be able to raise some up and sell at the various poultry shows I attend next year

And maybe a few more Seramas

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