Whats something weird that you EAT?????!!!!!!!!

thats definatley the most disquisting ones i've heard in hours!!!!!
i was crying from thinkin about it LOL
Tsukemono, Oktapodi Toursi and Takoyaki I love them and the best thing is the crib midget is just as addicted to them as I am. His great grandma would be so proud

Tsukemono = Japanese Pickles

Okatapodi Tousi = Pickled octopus

Takoyaki = Dumplings made of batter, diced or whole baby octopus

I dont think it weird but many others do.
good thing I have a few of these in the fridge now that Im drooling
duck blood soup that tops the charts then fried pigs feet............ this might not be that weird but try it take a piece of salami put a slice of cheese on it and put it in the microwave for about 1 minute then put it on a sandwich......... its a suprise what the salami will do.........try it and tell me what happens
Scrapple is one of my favorites.

Crunchy Peanut Butter and Bannanna Sandwiches. (Viva La Elvis)

Apples sliced with Peanut Butter

Scrambles Eggs and Ketchup

Fried Spam sandwiches.

Cream of Wheat

Cream Shipped Beef on toast (AKA Sh*t on a Shingle)

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