Whats that green stuff in my waterers?


7 Years
Oct 7, 2012
In my waterers a green fungus looking stuff I chhange my water every day. Any body know what it is or how to get rid of it.
It's just algae. It happens no matter how much you change the water, unless you scrub it every time too. It helps to make sure the water is in the shade. I just put some pennies in the water too, because the copper is supposed to help. But they have to be dated 1965-1982, because that is when they were made with the more copper than just zinc. A little piece of copper pipe would work too (just an elbow maybe).

I still scrub it out with bleach about every month, and more in the summer. Then rinse it VERY well and dry it out.

A little won't hurt the chickens though. If it starts to smell really bad you definitely need to clean it out though. But unless it's really caked in there it won't hurt them at all, it just looks bad.

~~Ms.B :)
That's funny, because I got the info on one of the threads here on BYC. It doen't treat worms, but helps prevents a harmful amount from taking hold in the birds.

One large roundworm in the digestive tract lays hundreds of eggs a day to be deposited onto your soil to be picked up by your other chickens, starting the worms lifecycle all over again. One worm is one worm too many. ACV does not prevent a harmful amount taking ahold in the birds. I can assure you that I have been using ACV for a long time in my chickens water. I can guarantee you that it does not control worms, ask a vet... read some of the worming threads as to what gets rid of worms.

How many eggs will these large roundworms lay in one day?
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