What's the best protein source?

My hens LOVE yogurt! I mix yogurt with milk and let it sit awhile till it forms a curd. Wow set that in the hens yard and move aside. They love the stuff. Extra protein, extra calcium in one.
I don't know how you feed, but mixing isn't a great idea. They tend to pick and choose. I'd alternate feeds instead. Alternating days kind of thing. That's my experience, for what's it's worth.
Well, that WOULD be a problem if they didn't eat everything I feed them every day. They do seem to prefer the corn over the pellets, but it's all gone in the morning, so I figure they got what they needed. But I suppose it could be the case that certain birds eat only corn.

Luckily for me this is kind of a training flock, made almost exclusively of old hens that I got for free. I figured it would be a good idea to get my feet wet that way (and a bigger flock makes me happier). I actually only have one hen that is laying, and then two pullets that will start soon.
My hens LOVE yogurt! I mix yogurt with milk and let it sit awhile till it forms a curd. Wow set that in the hens yard and move aside. They love the stuff. Extra protein, extra calcium in one.

I can't wait until my goats start producing milk. Then I can try that and see how mine like it :)
The label on my frozen corn lists 3 grams protein per serving. .... that's not terrible, is it?

How many grams is a serving? We could figure out % protein that way.

For HUMAN nutrition at least, corn IS a protein source but it's not a complete protein. It has to be mixed with beans to make a complete protein. I don't know if it's the same with chickens.
90 grams (2/3 of a cup). You do the math. .. I'm watching football. ;-)

So that would be 3.3% protein. Hmm. That does seem a bit low. But I think it would be higher for dried corn, because frozen corn would have a high water content. Oh, I guess I should have mentioned that. It's dried corn I was given.
90 grams (2/3 of a cup). You do the math. .. I'm watching football. ;-)

So that would be 3.3% protein. Hmm. That does seem a bit low. But I think it would be higher for dried corn, because frozen corn would have a high water content. Oh, I guess I should have mentioned that. It's dried corn I was given.

Yes it does. ...21gr carbs tho.
Yes it does. ...21gr carbs tho.
Hah...so my chickens would more roll than walk if I'm not careful. I'm thinking of saving it for the meat birds in the spring, but I'd definitely have to add in protein if I want them to be MEAT birds and not FAT birds.

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