Whats the best way to introduce a new hen into the flock?


8 Years
Mar 23, 2011
I have 10 hens and 6 ducks, they all live together as one flock...except 1..My daughter and I incubated eggs this past fall and had a few hatch successfully but when they were 2 days old I went out of state for thanksgiving, my husband stayed behind because of work..So he was left in charge of these guys, when I got back we had only 1...All of them died, apparently he unplugged the heating lamp by accident and only 1 survived..She has been living in our house ever sense..I just recently put her outside in the barn in her own coop beside the flock..After a few days I tried introducing her to just 1 hen at a time..She is so scared of them, she hides. if she gets loose she comes to our door and waits to come in:/ I heard if you put vix vapor rub on theit backs and put them in the coop they wont pick on her but Ihavent dared..I feel so bad, I dont know how to introduce her to the others..Any suggestions?
Obviously this is a seriously mis imprintred chicken. That may be difficult to overcome.

Confining and protecting her from the other birds in a wire cage where the two elements can see each other as much as possible is the first step.

Second step is to turn the single hen loose near roosting time when she can mingle with the others.They will have other things on their minds. After a few times at this let her go to roost with the others and wake up with them in the morning. If they free range remember that she may get lost at first so condition her to that as well.

But- someday the order of dominance will have to be reestablished and there is going to be conflict. It is inevitable.

With such a messed up personality it could take a very long time to settle the situation since being a "non-chicken" is foreign behavior to the others and often is perceived as weakness to be exploited.

"The best way to get chickens to thrive is to treat them like chickens."
Thanx, for the advice....
I really appreciate it...Ive been overly stressed on the best way to introduce her...

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