Whats the difference

Easter Eggers are basically blue or green layers who don't qualify to be and usually are not purebred Araucanas or Ameraucanas.

Olive Eggers are the same, sort of, but their parents consist of DARK brown layers and blue/green layers, thus the result is a bird who lays a moderate to a very dark olive green color. Depends on the generation. F1 Olive Eggers are normal olive green, F2 bred back to the dark layer are even darker layers.
I think of it like all Olive Eggers are technically Easter Eggers (that lay a particular shade of olive green), but most Easter Eggers are not Olive Eggers. I'm sure someone will take exception to that, oversimplified as it is. An Olive Egger is a special type of Easter Egger bred for a specific egg color, basically.

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