Whats the earliest age to treat for Coccidia?


Nov 25, 2021
San Angelo, TX
I meant to ask as a Preventative treatment.
Last year I gave my peachicks "medicated feed", but I also would give them greens and egg. I was told that giving them anything else is defeating the purpose of giving them medicated. So this year I am not giving peachicks medicated. I have chicks from a few days old to 2.5mo old in the brooders. My question is when should I give them Toltrazuril? I did have a peachick die on me this morning, so I'm worried if it was due to cocidia. The peachick was about 3weeks old. At what age can they get coccidiosis?
That chick could have died to cocci. Cocci is air-born and can travel on your hands and clothing. I watch very carefully while in the wire brooders and start regular treatments once they are on the ground for a week or so. I continue treating monthly until the end of the year or the snow flies. Medicated feed does very little except block vitamin uptake which retards growth and heartiness.
That chick could have died to cocci. Cocci is air-born and can travel on your hands and clothing. I watch very carefully while in the wire brooders and start regular treatments once they are on the ground for a week or so. I continue treating monthly until the end of the year or the snow flies. Medicated feed does very little except block vitamin uptake which retards growth and heartiness.
Ahh okay, I'm going to give them that pentaxoc or whatever you call it right now. Thank you. đź’•
I have found that being attentive to cleanliness is 3/4 of the battle with cocci. I have a wire brooder and lay down those grease towels that you can get for cleaning up oil. When they get dirty i just pull and replace. I also wash the waterers out with plain dish soap everytime they run empty before i refill and put them back in the brooder. My chick mortality has dramatically decreased since i started doing this.
I have found that being attentive to cleanliness is 3/4 of the battle with cocci. I have a wire brooder and lay down those grease towels that you can get for cleaning up oil. When they get dirty i just pull and replace. I also wash the waterers out with plain dish soap everytime they run empty before i refill and put them back in the brooder. My chick mortality has dramatically decreased since i started doing this.
I use paper towels and I change them out twice a day once they are 3 weeks I don't use any. I try to be on it making sure they are clean. People don't realize how much work it is and want to pay cheap for these birds.
I use paper towels and I change them out twice a day once they are 3 weeks I don't use any. I try to be on it making sure they are clean. People don't realize how much work it is and want to pay cheap for these birds
Tell me about it. The recessive colors in particular give alot of people sticker shock around me. Alot of people are just used to paying 4-5.00 for a chicken chick and MAYBE 15 for a turkey poult so me asking 35 apiece for regular week old IB chicks often makes them hesitate. I get alot of messages that end with "Let me talk to my wife/husband/fiance/SO" and then I never hear from them again. I typically block those people from messenger if they do that because no matter how many times they message you they never buy anything.
Omg Yesss, "the let me talk to my spouse".. once they say that you know it's a no. I don't even know why they even bother saying that. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
I get alot of messages that end with "Let me talk to my wife/husband/fiance/SO" and then I never hear from them again. I typically block those people from messenger if they do that because no matter how many times they message you they never buy anything.

Omg Yesss, "the let me talk to my spouse".. once they say that you know it's a no. I don't even know why they even bother saying that. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

Oh, I'm glad I found out about that. I didn't know that was a thing. I said it to someone just a few days ago and it was genuine. I did talk to my husband and I did then follow up and buy from the person.

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