What's the earliest you've had a cockeral attempt to crow?

My current rooster started his high-pitch donkey crow at 4 weeks old. It was hilarious, and adorable. I should have taken that as a sign, because he's now a loud mouth. :D. I had the garage door open, yesterday, and his crows could be heard in the brooder. To my surprise, one of my 1 week old chicks let out about ten attempts of the most adorable crows you've ever heard.

I might have the record, at 8 days old, but what's the earliest you've had a chick try to crow?
I bet it sounds a little bit cute and a little bit hilarious 😂 Please share it with us if you are lucky enough to catch it in a recording 💜
I got curious about how early you can push this (do some crow from inside the egg? I mean... :lol:)

So I went on youtube, and ooooh maaaaan there are some messed up little babies out there!

5 days old:

and 1 day old!!!


P.S. I know that these are probably outliers and most don't start that early, and also, they're just chickens, but there's something very sad in such an early start, to me as a human... A loss of childhood... Like a human baby getting her period :lol: Sounds stupid, but there it is, haha (I admit I'm probably overreacting as the sorrowful mother of a 7-year-old human who has to wear deodorant already :hit).
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The sound of a tiny crow just gets my whole family laughing. We had ours crow at 4 weeks. We were all awaken to it and had a panic moment ! They were downstairs in the mud room in our house (3 chicks). That was the moment we decided they must all leave the house 😅 the boy is now 9 weeks ? He hasn’t crowed since then. He fallows his father around, probably that’s why.

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