What's the most annoying internet / texting abbreviation or word?

Great post, LOL!
Actually, I completely agree with you.
Remember when "I <3 U" was something children wrote in cards that they brought home to their parents? Even the dullest preschooler knew that it meant "I love you." I want to destroy whoever the first person was who decided to start calling it "I heart you."
honey your phone bill has rocketed through the roof!! who have you been texting?!
idk my bff jill?
well i am taking away your phone for a month!

Oh. I didn't know what this meant. And I still don't know how to type it.

I used to have a website bookmarked that told what all these things mean. I see that the bookmark disappeared for some reason. Never missed it. Usually I just skip a post if there's enough texting lingo that I don't know what they're talking about.

I've had a cell for years, for road trip emergencies, which I usually carry turned off. Once in a while I turn it on to receive a particular call; someone has had to tell me my pocket was ringing more than once. Never went over the 30 minutes per month my plan allows me. And have never received or sent a text.
these get me going i cant stand it

person #1 how are you today
person #2 meh

what in the world is meh? i know it has just been added to the websters but really comon

and the other thing

my bad

again really

soon I am going to sound like the guy from rush hour i think it was

Oh. I didn't know what this meant. And I still don't know how to type it.

Well, I didn't really mean the text. I meant when people would write "I" followed by a heart followed by "U." The keyboard doesn't allow me to make right side up hearts, as far as I know, so I was stuck with trying to make my point using a dinky sideways one that barely looks like a heart, if at all. Took me forever to figure out what it meant, too. "<" plus "3" does not look like a heart to me . . . more like a chicken beak with wattles, maybe? Either way, "I heart you" should not be in anyone's vocabulary! I'm going to randomly verb nouns until people start saying "love" again instead of "heart," starting with the word "verb."

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