Whats the most beautiful chicken you have ever seen ?

Which hatchery are you getting them from?

I had one of these and they are awesome birds ! I still have one of her babies mixed with polish. Have you seen the gold ones ? I also had a gold . It was a roo so I sold him.
I'm going to Cackle for my chicks. It's a 2+ hr. drive but it's been on my bucket list, lol. The silvers (which are what I am getting) are $3.55 each. Sold straight run. I'm getting 4 so I can hopefully have at least one of each sex. The golds are like $12 each. I didn't want to spend that much. Cackle has a storefront with daily specials on surplus chicks. I will have to have my DH promise to restrain me from getting anything else.
I'm going to Cackle for my chicks. It's a 2+ hr. drive but it's been on my bucket list, lol. The silvers (which are what I am getting) are $3.55 each. Sold straight run. I'm getting 4 so I can hopefully have at least one of each sex. The golds are like $12 each. I didn't want to spend that much. Cackle has a storefront with daily specials on surplus chicks. I will have to have my DH promise to restrain me from getting anything else.
oh my ! Good bucket list ! good price. I dont know how true it is but the breeder I got the gold from said the top of the roos point forward . Something you might want to look for when picking them out ?
No way I could go in there . hahaa
I got the gold from said the top of the roos point forward . Something you might want to look for when picking them out ?
This is what Cackle says about crests on the silvers:
They have "mid size forward-pointing head crest which gives them their name. Cackle Hatchery® imported 3 breeding roosters of the Appenzeller Silver Spangled Spitzhaubens in 2013 to improve and work on our breeding program. Traditionally in the states most Spitzhaubens have the crest going backward and too much of a crest. Cackle Hatchery would like to be instrumental in correcting this breeding issue with our own flock and hope others follow."
I don't think I'll be allowed to pick out my own tho. I think they box them up ahead of time for the pick up customers. But I'll certainly be opening it up to look at them.
They want $60 for an appenzeller spitzhauben! I can get those for 5 bucks. They say they're better quality and hardier... but at $60? Nope. Sorry.

And their "chocolate partridge wyandottes" at 99 a piece just look like poor quality regular partridge to me. Cute, I suppose, but not worth the extravagant amounts of money.
I believe almost all the breeds that they sell are from imported stock. They say on their website that they cull heavily. I don’t understand why they don’t have a pet quality section of the breeds they have and sell them for a largely reduced price compared to the breeding stock :barnie I applied for an internship at Greenfire Farms a couple weeks ago. I hope I get it, then they can pay me in chickens :D
Ok folks, I just might have to report this site to the moderators. OP, you have single handedly caused many back yard chicken keepers who were doing ok, until you initiated this thread. They have now fallen off the wagon into the dangerous territory of lusting after not just this breed, or that breed, but, like a kid in a candy store, gotta experience them all. Oh the shame of it.

And Brama Chicken, you are a co-enabler. Posting GFF as a place to check out the Death Layer. One has to scroll down the A - D list in order to get to the Death Layer.

Don't look at GFF web site. It is the ultimate chicken porn site.

So to save the rest of you from falling all the way off the wagon, and rolling into the ditch of lust, I'll post a pic (if I can) and a description of the Death Layer.


As a chicken the Deathlayer seems to have it all: the coolest breed name in all of poultrydom, spectacular good looks, and a history in its native Germany that goes back more than 400 years. How did it merit being called a Deathlayer, a name that is metal to the core? There are two competing theories. A literal translation of its German name, Totleger, means “death layer.” One theory has it that the name was bestowed because the hens of this breed are so productive they lay an egg each day until the day they die. The second theory –less sensational but probably more accurate-- is that the breed was first described by a different name in low German (Dauerleger or, literally, “day layer”), and over the centuries this name morphed into Totleger. Either way, what cannot be denied is that the Deathlayers do lay a large volume of medium-sized white eggs, and their remarkable appearance is like having visiting royalty in your chicken coop.
Guilty as charged :p :gig
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I believe almost all the breeds that they sell are from imported stock. They say on their website that they cull heavily. I don’t understand why they don’t have a pet quality section of the breeds they have and sell them for a quarter of the price of the breeding stock :barnie I applied for an internship at Greenfire Farms a couple weeks ago. I hope I get it, then they can pay me in chickens :D
Guilty as charged :p :gig
Yeah... but I still see little use in paying so much for a 'new' variety that looks like culls of another. Good luck!

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