Whats the most beautiful chicken you have ever seen ?

I like looking at pretty chicken pics online, but I'm pretty happy with my Easter Egger girls at home. This is Blue, technically an olive egger, and a show-off. She came in the house yesterday for beauty pics now that her feathers are back in after molting. She's a bit over 8 pounds now, and the boss. She even took down a giant rat a few weeks ago that dared to get in their coop when it was freezing cold for over a week here.
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Agreed, the most beautiful chicken is the one who is: ranging in your back yard, chasing down grasshoppers, dustbathing in what used to be your front flower bed, plucking the dew laden tender grass blades first thing in the morning, snuggled down in the nest while she quietly makes your breakfast. Or the roo, with the sun glinting off his feathers, as he tidbits his favorite gals.
Wahhh!:duc The 10 day weather forecast has suddenly has added an ice storm for my trip-to-Cackle day next week! Maybe it will change again.:fl
Cuz we aren't going in an ice storm. So my Appenzeller Spitzhaubens are up in the air right now....
Meanwhile, yesterday I looked up and saw this ember in the wood stove, shaped exactly like a chicken, it even has 2 legs! ---this could be a sign, but whether it means 'no worries, it will happen,' or 'your dream goes up in smoke,' I don't know....yet.
chicken ember.jpg
It’s a real live Phoenix! I thought for a second there your post read “forecast has added ice cream for my trip” :gig I want ice cream now! :)
and the Phoenix rises from the ashes...the forecast for my Cackle trip has already changed to a morning low of 41 and a high of 46. We shall see. I am open to whatever will be. I can't say I haven't gone thru many what-was-I-thinking-ordering-more-chickens moments....:confused:Okay so no conclusions yet.... we'll know next week and I'll report back.
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