What's the name of your chicken coop? "Chicken" Hilton here

The Pampered Poultry Palace, or PPP for short
When I moved here my Mom called this place hoot&holler. So the chicken coupe is" hoot and cackle". She said it sarcastically but it stuck.! Gloria Jean
Hmmm, well there is The Original Coop, The Barn Coop, The Skylight Coop, The Neverending Coop, The Playhouse Coop, The Circus Tent Coop, The Christmas Coop, one that isn't named yet and that is only 1/2 built, two chain link pens and several unnamed tractors. But the named ones---everyone knows what I mean when I call them by name. And for one reason or another, they all fit their name.
The Crooked Coop -- there's not a square corner or level surface in it
Actually, it's not that bad, but there are some places where it's obviously not square, LOL.

I don't think the chickens mind!


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