What's the rarest breed or variety you have?

Mocha and Latte are beautiful, but I don't really have a place for easily-freaked-out, late maturing birds in my flock over the long term.

Proof that Mocha is beautiful. (Do not disturb her nest bare-handed unless you want to bleed).

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It will be interesting to see how they change as they mature. (If you keep them that long.) Mine is totally different now than she was a year ago when I got her. She too was "wild as a march hare". Now she meets me at the gate. Not a "pet" by any means, but I don't need "pet"' chickens. I have dogs for that. But she also doesn't run screaming every time I go in the pen anymore either. (And I didn't spend any time trying to get her over acting like an idiot.)
Yes!! She is the bestest ever!! She is SOOOO quiet.. but she KNOWS that paper bags have McDs fries in them.. and then its pure monkey screams. She talks like a little muppet to me.. she says I love you, come here, hey baby, what are you doing, good morning, FEED ME!
Not a chicken... but presenting.. french fry screamer tantum thrower, Squeeky!

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And my sweet tolbunt girls.. Wilma and Pebbles...


And my sweet paint silkie, Barney.
Here's my Malays. I'll get pictures of the Sumatras later, if I have time.

Based on the fence he's against, I'd guess he stands around 30 inches on his own. :eek: Will be interesting to see how that estimate compares to an actual measurement.

I guess Malays are meant to be super huge birds, but I kinda wish there was a bantam version. I have a thing for weird chickens like them, but I'm going the opposite direction and focusing more on bantams these days, so they'd kinda not fit in well here. I'd hate for my OEGBs to be smushed under those big feet because they're sure they can take on the rooster 5 times their height 🤣
It will be interesting to see how they change as they mature. (If you keep them that long.) Mine is totally different now than she was a year ago when I got her. She too was "wild as a march hare". Now she meets me at the gate. Not a "pet" by any means, but I don't need "pet"' chickens. I have dogs for that. But she also doesn't run screaming every time I go in the pen anymore either. (And I didn't spend any time trying to get her over acting like an idiot.)

I don't need cuddle-pet chickens either, I have cats.

But I don't like the fact that the Javas are the only ones who panic and freak out when I'm handing them off the roost at night.

Latte has more white then Mocha. I don't have good photos because of them being too skittish to stand there and let me photograph them.
Based on the fence he's against, I'd guess he stands around 30 inches on his own. :eek: Will be interesting to see how that estimate compares to an actual measurement.

I guess Malays are meant to be super huge birds, but I kinda wish there was a bantam version. I have a thing for weird chickens like them, but I'm going the opposite direction and focusing more on bantams these days, so they'd kinda not fit in well here. I'd hate for my OEGBs to be smushed under those big feet because they're sure they can take on the rooster 5 times their height 🤣
There are Bantam Malays. They seem to be harder to find then the Giants though.

I'll find a day to measure the boys. Would you like the females height too?
Oh, I didn't realize! Seeing how big the large fowl are, the bantams are probably the size of normal large fowl breeds. 🤣 But I'll have to look into that more. May as well add another impossible to find breed to my want list at this point!

Uh, sure, if you have the time. I'm sure others would be interested in their heights as well. :)
Mocha and Latte are beautiful, but I don't really have a place for easily-freaked-out, late maturing birds in my flock over the long term.
Depending on your flock needs, you may find they are worth the wait. I love my Java, Mary Shelly. She was a bit skittish as a baby, but at 3 years she is big and mellow. Not cuddly, but will take food from my hand, and hang out for a little chat. She gets more white with every molt.


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