What's the scoop on Duck POOP!?

Wow, wouldn't that be a terrific resource, an encyclopedia of poop. Yeah..... I hope someone runs with this idea.

So, from what I have seen and read, I feel that dark metallic green (not the stuff we see after feeding peas or greens, no, I mean dark and metallic) poop is not a good thing. And sometimes dark, greasy runny poop can mean trouble.

Watery poo may mean they have been drinking alot, but somewhere I read that could be a sign of diarrhea.

I have one runner - I do not know which one - who has always had somewhat runny, dark brown poop. But everyone is healthy, we have had fecal tests done. There are always outliers, in my experience.

I was alarmed the morning I saw their poop color had changed from a tannish brown to almost black. Then I remembered we had our first outdoor day the day before. They had been eating soil.

The fact that they have throughput, in itself, is always a good thing and one of the first things many of us ask when a member worries about their duck's health.
A great idea! Had one the other day that I should have taken pictures of... his poop was bright green with yellow urates.

Is solid poop a concern? My ducks have been pop in sous every so often. They are only 3 weeks old. It's usually at night. During the day when they are out and about they poop the runs ewww but have been noticing solid poops in there brooder.
I wish I could figure out how to post pictures from my phone. I'm concerned about my 5 wk old Magpie & Runner pooping wet watery poop. Eat & drink like little piggies! Act fine. Shpuld I worry?
I know from experience that neon lime green poop is serious. Again, as you said, not bright grassy or pea green but neon lime like:
can you please elaborate? I have a duck that is not acting right and just noticed she has neon green poop. I see no obvious signs of illness other than she is just laying around all day and keeps hiding. She does have a birth defect of a crooked neck. I don't know what is wrong with her or what to do.
can you please elaborate? I have a duck that is not acting right and just noticed she has neon green poop. I see no obvious signs of illness other than she is just laying around all day and keeps hiding. She does have a birth defect of a crooked neck. I don't know what is wrong with her or what to do.
It is best to have a good duck vet.

Ducks can hide infections a long time - till they are serious - you may want to get the duck onto antibiotics. Egg yolk peritonitis is one infection that can be dire.
It is best to have a good duck vet.

Ducks can hide infections a long time - till they are serious - you may want to get the duck onto antibiotics.  Egg yolk peritonitis is one infection that can be dire.
I don't have a vet around me that sees ducks. I did some research and it seems to match the symptoms for hardware disease which is a problem because I don't have a vet to take it to.
oh wow, my weak duckling has bright green poop
wondering what that could be. Wondering how long the digestive system takes before they poo. I am guessing not too long.

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