What's The "Smartest" Thing You've Seen a Chicken Do?


I posted a few days ago about my ee hen finishing up her mom duties and was ready to go back to the coop. But, she didn't want to go to her original coop where she is on the bottom of the pecking order, she chose the second coop where she is high in the pecking order. So that's where she is now.
I suppose I would rather be queen of coop 2 than peasant of coop 1 if I were a chicken, as well.
I have a very smart hen and a rather smart rooster,
I have been sending the worst 6 of my roosters outside in the morning so my hens and shy roos can come down and eat, so each morning I shoo them out saying outside, and the six usually are pretty good and go out. My smart rooster now a BO BTW has 3 other hatch mate roo's who look almost like him, crazy eyes a very shy protector to my hen gets to stay inside with her because he isn't a trouble maker. Well the other roo caught on to this and now as soon as he see's me coming he runs up to Henrietta and coo's and woo's her hoping I won't notice he isn't crazy eyes. He almost got away with it this morning, because I didn't see crazy eyes with my henrietta he was still on the roost, because my white devil wasn't out yet. I caught him tho when I counted hens to make sure everyone was in. and naughty roo's were out.
My smart hen Sissy Sussex, isn't yet laying and won't yet squat for the boys, but as soon as I come to the coop door she gets down to eat knowing I won't let the roo's mount when I'm in the coop. its actually hilarious when they try to catch her because she will run and hide right between my legs and peck them. Like haha moms here and you ain't doing that to me this time...............
6Chickens, that is so cute!!!!!! your girls are so pretty.

My 'Bird has learned to come inside with his favorite when it's hot outside . he knows the air conditioning is on. If i go out the door he will beat feet for it and slip between my feet and in he comes.

Curiously enough, he has also learned where the pantry is. he pecks at the door until i get him some minimarshmallows.


i would like to try the foam cut out shapes with my chickens please can you tell me what techniques you use and what commands you give. i would be very interested to document anyones results also
I would also be interested to hear about the OP's training methods. But you can also check out the videos on Youtube of chicken clicker training. If you search chicken training on the site there are several videos from animal training workshops.

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