Whats the weirdest thing you've ever eaten??

Are you talking redbuds from a tree?

Yup.....sure am.
They are really good. Kinda tangy, kinda sweetish. Anyone who has a redbud tree available should try them. Just the flowers though.
I'm pretty picky, but I used to eat sand when I was little...it was from the sandbox in the backyard, and I know there were ants in there (that's what broke me, having a handful of sand and seeing ants crawling in it
). It's hard to say what else was in there!

Oh, and yes, we did have cats....
Pork kidney, funny story. when I was a preschooler I loved eggs. Dad told me they were pig eggs.

Ate them all my life, taste alot like liver.

Potted meat (has hearts and tripe in it)

Dad would eat the pig tails and pig ears.

Funny looking pic. a pig ear on a plate.

He raised our own meat, very little went to waste.
DW and I ate some mystery meat in Chichicastenango, Guatemala. We both speak spanish, but the locals there are Myan and we could not communicate with them. We were hungry so we just ate what they gave us - probably goat. It was actually really good!!!!
I will try anything at least once. I tried live bee brood and it is actually pretty good. Taste like honey coated almonds.

Can't really think of anything weirder than that. Frog legs where common place for us growing up.

I have yet to try rattle snake, opposum, or coon.

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