Whats the weirdest thing you've ever eaten??

Oh, scrapple. Ate that every time we went to Grandmom's when I was a kid. Things other than simply ground pork and cornmeal go into scrapple...it's better not to know what. My best friend in grade school used to sing the Oscar Meyer Wiener song every time it was being made, that's all I'm saying.

Also Hog Maul, PA Dutch stuffed pig stomach.

DH thinks eating snails is the weirdest thing ever. Mostly because they still look very much like snails when you're eating them.

Weirdest-tasting thing ever, it's a toss-up: Uni sashimi is downright nasty stuff, but then again so is the fabled Stinky Sandwich (liverwurst, limburger cheese and raw onions on rye or pumpernickel). Neither are truly weird things, but when you taste them you wonder exactly how hungry you have to be when a limburger & liverwurst sandwich starts sounding like a good idea. You could put me on a desert island, and if all I had was a cooler of limburger & liverwurst sandwiches and a sharp stick with which to hunt...I'd be eating a lot of sashimi and tartare, and looking for a poisonous plant that would kill me quickly.

To be honest, it's all a matter of culture. I've eaten many of the things that others would consider weird, much of it in France, much of it made by my French host mom. None of the things she made seem weird to me anymore because they're just a normal part of life.
frog legs
skate (sting ray)
ox tail
smoked French andoille/tripe sausage

various types of sea snails
escargot (land snails)
foie gras (meat butter...

I grew up on calamari. We've eaten it from the time I was a little kid, and last summer we tricked DBF's kids (10 & 15) into trying it. They loved it.

And things I've had in restaurants:
sea urchin (yuck - very strong fish flavor)
jelly fish salad
flying fish roe - YUM YUM YUM... like slighty fishy sesame seeds

I'll try nearly anything. Except balut.
I can't get past how it looks.


A balut (Trứng vịt lộn or Hột vịt lộn in Vietnamese, Pong tea khon in Cambodian, Khai Luk in Lao) is a fertilized duck (or chicken) egg with a nearly-developed embryo inside that is boiled and eaten in the shell. They are common, everyday food in some countries in Southeast Asia, such as in the Philippines, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Popularly believed to be an aphrodisiac and considered a high-protein, hearty snack, balut are mostly sold by street vendors at night in the regions where they are available. They are often served with beer. The Filipino and Malay word balut (balot) means "wrapped" – depending on pronunciation.

Sometimes we should not ask things we really do not want to know!!!!

I did have frog legs deep fried last weekend.....but everyone says that my Peanut Butter and Bologna sandwiches are the weirdest!!!


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