What's the youngest a pullet can lay an egg?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 6, 2012
Madison, Ohio

I have 19 laying hens 4 of which are around three years old and the rest are a year and a half. I hatched three new girls during the weekend of September 12th. Today I got 10 eggs which is the norm this time of year and with them was this little booger- Any way this could be from the fifteen week old pullets or is this a fart egg from one of my older hens? The pullets are two Welsummers and one Welsummer-Maran mix (Rooster is a Welsummer).
I suppose anything is possible but I would also bet that it is a fart egg. The earliest I've ever had a pullet lay is around 4 months.

You can look at your pullets and tell if it is possible. Their combs are usually very red once they are mature enough to lay. If the combs are still dark or pale then they aren't likely to lay.

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