What's up with Mcmurray this year?

HAWKSTER: Thanks for pointing out my violation of BYC Rules. I did not realize that was prohibited. I am curious though, other than indicating my error, was there any other point you were trying to add to this topic?



Not really, just that basically. All though I may be relatively new to BYC, I have been a moderator on several other forums, and have seen trends in posting that I see here.

I noticed your first post mentioning the closed MMH thread and the issues there.

I have not heard anything about the pads they use during shipping causing a problem but I do know that one person had a problem with chicks getting sick 2 WEEKS after they arrived and assumed that McMurray was the problem. It was blown way out of proportion and started a lynching mob against McMurray, all based on one person's wrong assumption. It is kind of scary to see how people will jump on the band-wagon based on such little information. Even when you get several people (often referred to as "a lot") that have a problem it is hard to say that it is really the hatchery's fault. 100 chicks getting sick out of 50,000 shipped that week is really not something to indicate a problem. I used them once a couple years ago and got perfectly healthy birds. I did not lose any or have any problems at all with them.


Those kinds of statements are likely what caused the locked post to be locked. Feelings get hurt, then things are said out of anger.

You had ordered birds from MMH years ago, and everything was fine. So, basically you have no real input on the batch of chicks ordered this year. Our initial order was delayed by MMH. They had called me the day it was to ship to say it was being pushed back a week due to a 'bad hatch'. No, they didn't go into detail on what a 'bad hatch" was. FYI, we have had chicks that were fine for 3 weeks start showing the same signs as the ones who were affected early on. Those that showed signs early on were separated long ago from the healthy seeming ones.

Some, like myself are following these posts for info. When the posts are closed, locked or split, then things become dis-organized. If MMH is to blame or not has yet to be determined. No one is out to "lynch" MMH, I haven't seen one post talking about suing or having MMH take financial responsibility for this. Generalities like all the affected chicks were ordered too early is wrong. It ignores those who picked up their chicks at the hatchery and have affected chicks.

Your second post then quotes from the closed thread.

Remember, just because people may be new to BYC, does not mean they are new to thinking,new to chickens or just plain dumb.​
they "redid" the site!!! i dont like it
I think a lot of people order from MMH in feb well they are located in IOWA and we had an ungodly cold winter this year. I would not order anything in iowa that early. Believe me we had a terrible winter this year I had to wait 4 weeks to ship a pup because it had to be at least 10degrees to ship.
My word of advice wait until at least march to order anything from Iowa.

I did not say that anyone was stupid or dumb and do not appreciate you putting words in my mouth. Your attempt at trying to put me in a bad light to make your own posts seem more nobile is disappointing. Your condescention is rude and insulting. If you have been following this topic you would know that the thread I was referring to was one where the author took what MMH said completely out of context and changed it to support their theory that it was definitely MMH's fault. That person had no experience and no valid information to make that claim. Their post was then followed up by MANY others on the board (with no current experience on the matter) with comments such as "I hate MMH". "How could they knowingly kill those poor little chicks", "I can't believe that MMH would do this just because they did not want to clean their incubators/brooders" and "I would never order from them again". That is definitely what I consider LYNCHING and it being done based on ignorance. If that is good, healthy discussion leading to productive learning then we have very different ideas of what education is. Also, while I can appreciate your experience of moderation on another board, you are not one on this board. I also doubt that you would have troubled yourself to point out my violation if you actually agreed with my perspective. If you are going to be petty then at least own up to it. My intention is not to insult anyone on this board but rather to point out whan I think people are not being fair. The thread was closed because it was no longer being productive. A new one was started as soon as VALID information was received.

We've lost 18 out of our 30 chicks hatched 3/1. The surviving ones seem to be doing just fine.

I agree with the moderators that truth is better (and so much more helpful) than speculation. That includes folks on both sides of the issue, that is, whether this is some type of illness or just bad luck. So don't speculate, back it up!
But I AM a moderator on this board. Hawkster and Maransguy. The dispute between you two is best handled via PM or email and adds nothing to this thread.

I've seen both of you contribute great information and objective opinion in the past. Lets continue that trend.
Thank you kstaven! This thread was turning into a feud between those two! So, if all anybody wants to do is fight over Mcmurray you're gonna have to take it outside (this thread anyway).
I was one of the folks that was unfortunate enough to get chicks from MM with the AE virus. I lost a majority of the chicks, but 7 hardy souls managed to pull through. MM was very good about it and offered to replace all my chicks (even the seven that made it). I took a refund instead, as I wanted to try out some different chickens that MM did not carry. They refunded all the chicks plus shipping, plus the quick chicks as well. Their CS rep spent about 10 minutes explaning the situation. what I needed to do with the bedding and the chicks that survived (felt sorry for her, as I imagine she must have had to go through that long speil a quite a few times). She was very apologetic and understanding, I give MM much credit for how the handled the situtation. I plan on ordering from them in the future (for now I want to try more hatching of my own eggs versus purchasing chicks - have a dozen blue copper marans eggs coming next week

A side note, the CS rep mentioned that this hasn't impacted their business negatively at all. In fact they have never been busier (due to the economy and rising price of eggs, everyone seem to want chickens now
. That is why alot of their breeds are sold out currently).

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I ordered my Light brahmas from them in 2006. I received 26 of them (well, 25, Brahmas & my one "rare" chick). All of them arrived in excellent condition and ALL of them made it to adulthood! Overall, I was very pleased with my chicks & would not hesitate to order from them again.

Although I'd spend the extra money to get mostly hens, this time. Last time, I ordered mine as straight run & out of 25 Brahmas, I got 17 ROOSTERs!

So the next time I order from them, I'm going to find someone to split the shipment with me so I don't have to get so many!

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