What's up with organic?

I'd add that that the problem with lobbying isn't a problem unique to organics... that's just america. Certification is for the benefit of the consumer. How it impacts the producer (regardless of size) is not and probably should not be a factor unless it unduely cripples one side of an industry unfairly.... and even then that is debatable if the consumer benefits. I haven't seen any examples of how organic certification has been corrupted or watered down when the standards are as strict as ever... for everyone. When I was the main buyer for a natural foods grocery chain I remember never knowing what the heck organic meant... every small farmer had their own definition. It wasn't until the california organic foods act in 1990 that organic meant anything at all. Now it's just on more of a federal level where it needed to be. The system will never be perfect, but I'd argue that it is better now than say in 1986. In any event, with the continued walmart mentality governing the world now a days, quality isn't about to resurface as a major concern for the majority anytime soon as it will always cost more and people aren't prepared to pay for that at any price it would seem... aside from the niche markets here and there...
One reason I choose to feed my birds certified organic feed is that (in addition to the no herbicides/pesticides) by law it can't contain anything that's genetically modified. After seeing what all the "round-up ready" grains have done to the environment and many of the people that farm them I'm voting with my dollar against it, even though it costs twice as much. I cut costs anywhere I can, but even when my husband was laid off and I had little to no work coming in the birds still ate organic because my values were worth it to me. Now as for the people that will spend $5+ a dozen for factory farmed organic eggs vs. buying from someone local that is using organic methods (like all of you that pasture without herbicides/pesticides etc). That's just ridiculous.

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