What's with your user name? And what about that avatar?

My username is rooster lover because my uncle has chickens and he threatened to get rid of the rooster so i told him if he got rid the rooster i would butcher him so he made me pay money to keep the rooster and i don't regret it at all.
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My user name is Fringe. I used to drive 18 wheeler over-the-road, for about 10 years. For 3 of that I owned my own tractor and trailer. Hauled produce from CA to east coast and then back. Loved it! Fringe was my CB handle. I chose that as my handle because I also rode a Harley for awhile and all of my leather has fringe on it, so that's what I was called by friends and it stuck.

My avatar - I just have a very warped sense of humor and this just proves it! And I don't cook, I'm the prep cook and clean-up person for my shack-mate Jim.
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My user name is Fringe.  I used to drive 18 wheeler over-the-road, for about 10 years.  For 3 of that I owned my own tractor and trailer.  Hauled produce from CA to east coast and then back.  Loved it!  Fringe was my CB handle.  I chose that as my handle because I also rode a Harley for awhile and all of my leather has fringe on it, so that's what I was called by friends and it stuck.

My avatar - I just have a very warped sense of humor and this just proves it! And I don't cook, I'm the prep cook and clean-up person for my shack-mate Jim. 

I read your avi. :lau
Username is Tanichca because that's my dad's nickname for me. It's the diminutive for my real name, Tatiana.
Avi is just me, in probably the greatest selfie I have ever taken. I'm at my great-grandma's house, and I found a pretty flower growing wild that just needed to be in my hair.
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To Michael OShay

thanks for the info the golden sex links are laying good sized eggs and more double yolks than i can count. The roo (profile pic) is the leader and they love him they lay next to him and eat with him and the roo is good for warning the hens when a predator is near.
Interesting thread..

I read it finally. I got distracted for about 2 hours while I researched Dexter cattle and where I can buy some.

I resisted getting distracted by a giraffe...

My name and avatar are not special and actually show my lack of imagination.

Years and years ago I had an account on Prodigy, which was like AOL sorta. Back then it was the only real way on the internet. I used the name Duluthralphie back then picking it because I lived outside Duluth Minnesota and I was watching my favorite movie on TV.. The Christmas Story.

I try to watch it several times a year. I own several copies and force my family to watch it on Xmas eve. They hate me for it! It is good to force kids to watch at least one wholesome movie a year.

The movie reminds me of my time as a kid, I grew up in Minnesota but it was much like the movie portrays.

My wife refuses to allow me to buy a leg lamp, so I will get even to her with thousands of chickens.

The current avatar is our Rooster, the worlds greatest rooster, Whom happens to have an entire thread dedicated to his adventures.... https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/923990/worlds-greatest-rooster

Some of my posts show a picture of JJ my turkey tom and first bird this spring...

Interesting thread..

I read it finally. I got distracted for about 2 hours while I researched Dexter cattle and where I can buy some.

I resisted getting distracted by a giraffe...

My name and avatar are not special and actually show my lack of imagination.

Years and years ago I had an account on Prodigy, which was like AOL sorta. Back then it was the only real way on the internet. I used the name Duluthralphie back then picking it because I lived outside Duluth Minnesota and I was watching my favorite movie on TV.. The Christmas Story.

I try to watch it several times a year. I own several copies and force my family to watch it on Xmas eve. They hate me for it! It is good to force kids to watch at least one wholesome movie a year.

The movie reminds me of my time as a kid, I grew up in Minnesota but it was much like the movie portrays.

My wife refuses to allow me to buy a leg lamp, so I will get even to her with thousands of chickens.

The current avatar is our Rooster, the worlds greatest rooster, Whom happens to have an entire thread dedicated to his adventures.... https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/923990/worlds-greatest-rooster

Some of my posts show a picture of JJ my turkey tom and first bird this spring...

Dexters!! Who knew cattle came in travel size right??

A Christmas Story...my kids and I have already busted out the Christmas movies and that came in a boxed set (along with National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and Elf). My 6 year old son's favorite thing at the moment is to tell me "You used up all the glue...ON PURPOSE!" Then storm out shouting "...Not a fingah!"
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