What's with your user name? And what about that avatar?

Hehe I love Elf

my goto Christmas story is Die Hard.... What can I say....
Love Bruce ....
I saw leg lamp night lights for sale at Home Depot a week ago...funny!
No one ever believes me when I tell them I've never seen A Christmas Story. Loved Die hard though.

I hadn't until several years ago and my brother-in-law had us watch it one Christmas morning. It is funny but I wouldn't have thought so when I was little.
Jmbwholesale has been my email address forever. It began in the early 80's, I was in Stuart Florida and I had a wholesale company selling native American craft items ie: animal bones, leather, deer splits, trade beads from the 1600's, feather pelts from pheasants, turkey beards, buffalo hides and skulls, horn for making knife handles, horn buttons, fur, you name it. I've kept the same email address and I use it also as a user name because I used it back then. It's easier to keep it than starting all over. I broke my back in 1991, finally gave up the wholesale gig that actually began in 1977, internet business began in the early 80's, and I moved back to Ohio in 2001. Occasionally, I still buy items and sell them wholesale, gets in your blood. The chickens are not a commodity for me, other than selling their eggs. My chickens are my babies. My husband passed in 2012 while I was getting chemo and after a year being alone, I just decided to get some chicks. That was April of 2014, my six laying hens. Then I hatched some fertile eggs, bought some silkies and now I am up to 31! That keeps me busy!

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