What's wrong with his comb? Has dark area on comb


12 Years
Feb 7, 2007
San Antonio TX
Hello - I'm trying to see if anyone may know what's going on with my roo's comb. I noticed the back end was a little dark the other day, and it hasn't gone away yet. It gets like that in winter sometimes when it's gets pretty cold [and I'm in San Antonio TX, so that's not saying much], but it always goes back to bright red once the temp gets back up. It's kind of like his own personal little thermometer, but I'm worried since it's still dark.

Anyone have any ideas on what this could be? Is it possible he just hit his comb on something and it hasn't healed yet?

Sorry the pictures aren't that clear - I only have a camera phone.


It looks alittle bit like frostbite, but as you're in Texas I don't see how that's possible, It is warm in Texas isn't it? My roo has some dark on his comb but I'm pretty sure it's frost bite only because I'm in NY and it's cold here still, especially at night!
That is normal on big comb birds. It is caused from poor circulation to the comb. It could be the bird got chilled and just keep the blood in his lower body to stay warm. Nothing to worry about here.
Thanks so much Wes. I had just never seen it stay that way for more a day, and that was when it was cold. Though I guess with all the rain we've been getting, he could easily have gotten chilled.

And update - it looks like it's back to normal now.
No - We were going to wait until the end of the school year so my son could help me raise up some day old chicks, because I haven't had much luck finding pullets locally of the breeds I wanted.

But now our plans have changed. I'll be moving soon and can't take my boy with me, so he is going to a friend's farm to help protect her growing flock. We have "visitation rights," but it's still really hard. We are actually getting ready to take him up there right now. And we've already delayed it two weeks so we could spend more time with him.

I'm just glad I had decided earlier to wait on ordering the babies. Giving away one chicken is hard enough, I don't know how I would handle giving away more.

That's why I was so panicky about his comb. Getting him ready for his little trip has made me extra sensitive to everything he does. He's been getting plenty of treats lately.

I will still keep up with the forum, since I do plan on getting some chickens later on. Hopefully sooner rather than later...
tkeyser...so sorry you have to get rid of your boy...its SOoo hard when you get attached to them. I Hope you can get chickens again SOON! Good luck with your move....and keep us updated!

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