What's wrong with Lucy?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 14, 2007
Troutdale, OR
Five days ago she looked very uncomfortable. She slowly waddle over to the nest and laid a soft shelled egg. She's been looking more uncomfortable every day and has not laid again yet. I cannot feel an egg or any unusual buildup. She's eating and drinking, not as much as the other two, and she's pooping, it looks okay. She sits with her head down close to her body and today her tail is really down. She's not looking "penguin-like" like I've read some do when egg-bound. I'm not even sure how/where to feel for a bound egg. She looks a little poofy.

History: She's about a year old Red Star, been laying an egg a day until this, eats organic layer and a few hours free ranging every day, with oyster shell available.
Is there anything else I should be doing?

Is there anything I can feel for to tell if she's internal?

I just gave her some oatmeal, then she drank water.
I can give her tums, yogurt and electrolytes tomorrow. Would that be advisable?

give her ONE tum, crushed. You can also give her three drops of POLYVISOL for the vit D3 which is necessary to absorb calcium... once a day three drops in beak for a week then taper off. Unfortunately if she is an internal layer, there is little to be done but the equivalent of an avian "hysterectomy" which is quite an undertaking and not without risk. :aww
So Lucy has been acting normal, just not laying. But then yesterday she goes and lays a WHITE egg with a ruff texture.
So is this common for internal layers?


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