What's wrong with my baby chick? :(

Baby chick seems to be doing a little better. She slept a lot and then the last time I was in there a few of the other chicks bumped in to her just in the process of trying to get food. lol My husband said that their balance the first few days makes them look like they have had too much to drink!
Anyways, them bumping into her caused her to get up and move. So she stood up and is standing up on her legs and really didn't look up like she had been, she is just looking around the brooder!! Good news!! So since she was looking better, I got her some water and she took some. :) Then she went over to the food and pecked at that a couple of times. So right now she is looking better. I have to try hard to not keep going in there every 10 mins! I worry so much more when I do!! Thank you so much for the encouragement!!
Oh, I am so glad to hear she seems to be doing better! Drinking and eating on her own seems like a good sign to me. I hope she continues to improve!
Thank you YellowLegs!! She is doing really good! I think she is going to pull through! I told my daughter that no matter the sex... Pullet or Roo I'm going to name her/him Rocky she/he has been such a fighter!!! Of course I have been calling her a she and DH has been calling him a he. Hahaha Also, thanks Aphrael for your support and checking in on baby chick! I appreciate you all! Made me feel like I wasn't in it alone!! I love this group!!! Have a blessed day!!
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Thank you all!! Rocky seems to be doing great! Acting like all the other chicks!! Xiao Casa thanks!! Yes praise God!! I literally prayed over her asking God to heal her!! Some people might think I'm crazy but she is one of God's creatures and I know He hears my prayers!! So yes I give Him all the glory!! He cares about the small things too!! :) I'll post some pics.
Yes, we are all a part of His creation and He does hear our prayers! I prayed over my chicks too, since they were shipped at a bad time of year -- well guess what every single one made it! God is good and gives good gifts to His children!!
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