
5 Years
Sep 13, 2016
Seattle, Washington
My Coop
My Coop
So basically last night one of my hens started acting weird she was kinda huddling up by herself and closing her eyes, and I thought it was the cold but the other chickens are acting normal. But today she is still doing it and when I came overnight to the coop the other chickens went right up to the door but it took her like 30 seconds to want to come over and then when she was there she closed her eyes for a full minute and even though I was kinda trying to make noise and calling her name i need help pls
It sounds like she is very sick. Inspect her all over. Feel her abdomen and crop, look for abnormal signs around her face. What is her weight like? Is she fluffing her feathers? Is she eating, drinking, pooping?
How old are your chickens? Huddling and lethargy can be a sign of not feeling well. Coccidiosis, a crop impaction, egg binding,parasites, and other things could be problems. Do a thorough exam and feel her crop, then again in morning to check if it is empty, soft, full, hard or puff. Insert a finger inside her vent 1-2 inches to check for a stuck egg. Pick her up, feel of her breastbone to check for weight loss. Try to get her to eat some chopped egg or moist feed. Offer water and see if she will drink. Look her over for lice or mites, especially under her vent and elsewhere. Confine her to a crate with food and water and look at her droppings for anything unusual, such as diarrhea or blood. Poultry electrolytes with vitamins or NutriDrench would be good for her until you figure out what is wrong.
She is eating, and we let her out everyday to take dirt baths and forage, so I dont think that’s the problem. We’ve also had stuck eggs before, so I don’t see any symptoms of that either.

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